Bollywood began the New Year on a stunning note. While Rakul Preet Singh and Ananya Panday and more Gen Z-ers took off to Thailand, Mouni Roy celebrated in the Middle East. Like Rashmika Mandanna who started the year on a scenic note, Jacqueline Fernandez too began the year on a peaceful note. In pictures that she shared on Instagram, Jacqueline is seated on the grass which is overlooking a clear pond and lake beyond it. The sun peeked through on the horizon and Jacqueline is seen soaking in the view wearing a printed sleeveless maxi dress. With a fresh faced beauty look, she wore her hair in a high swingy ponytail that added a natural finesse to it in entirety.
Did you hear the song Aasiqui from Cirkus? The actors in it, including Jacqueline Fernandez, are all decked in retro looks. Talking about her makeup, it seems like she started off with a wonderful base. Then, she did something very specific to get that retro look. Can you guess? Winged eyeliner. Yesteryear's Bollywood beauties have popularised this iconic makeup style. To make it worth our attention, she applied blue shimmery eyeshadow. Jacqueline teamed it with glossy blush pink lips. She wore a blue crop top with a white bow detail in the front and a closed round neckline. The actress teamed it with a white mini skirt featuring pleated details. Her hairstyle took us back in time.
(Also Read: Jacqueline Fernandez's Bedazzled Black Co-Ords Aren't The Most Striking Part Of Her Look; Her Pointed Mesh Boots Are)
We can't get enough of Jacqueline Fernandez's impeccable fashion outings. We love her avatar even if she chooses a simple makeup look. Here, she did contouring on her cheeks and wore subtle blush. For eyes, shimmery eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara on the eyelashes suited well. Her mauve lips amped up the overall look. Jacqueline wore a black strap bralette with a midi skirt. Further, the diva layered it with a see-through iridescent net mesh drape on top.
Do you want to spruce up your makeup with a little pop of pink? Take notes from Jacqueline Fernandez. The way she incorporated this shade is simply mindblowing. The actress went all out with a blush on her cheeks. She uplifted the look of her eyes with winged eyeliner and mascara. Final touch? Glossy pink shade on her lips. Jacqueline matched her outfit; a latex jumpsuit that came with strapless detailing.
When your outfit is elaborate, here's the glam trick to balance it perfectly. Like Jacqueline Fernandez, you can add winged eyeliner and have elongated eyelashes with mascara. She then added a dab of nude glossy shade to her lips. This worked as a perfect makeup trick for this OOTD. The actress dazzled in a gorgeous red fit. Her outfit showed pretty feather detailing on the upper side of the outfit.
For a boss lady look, Jacqueline Fernandez goes for louder makeup. Once, she preferred perfectly smoky eyes that seemed every bit glamorous. With that, the diva added a glossy tinted lip shade. She wore her hair in a side-swept manner. Jacqueline flaunted a glamorous sequined black pantsuit set. Her sparkling outfit included a blazer and pants teamed with a shirt and a strappy spaghetti top inside. The Choker necklace and stud earrings looked good.
Jacqueline Fernandez's beauty picks cannot be predictable. Her makeup simply depends upon her outfits.
Comments(Also Read: Jacqueline Fernandez's Version Of Barbiecore Gets An Edge With Her Corset And Lace-Up Heels)