Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor has got a bun in the oven and it's beginning to show through her selfies too. We didn't catch a hint of the exciting developments with her previous photos mainly capturing her neck up or in loose fitted clothes but ever since the couple's pregnancy announcement, it has become crystal clear. The mom-to-be's latest post gave us a peek at her current life on another shoot with another selfie. She wore her hair sleekly turned out with naturally shaped brows. Slightly winged out eyeliner and glossy lips completed the makeup look. Kareena's complexion looked absolutely radiant with flushed cheeks and we're pretty sure that's her pregnancy glow showing through.
Another day, another shoot and well... another one of my favourite selfies ????????
A post shared by Kareena Kapoor Khan (@kareenakapoorkhan) on
Days ago, she started her work week with yet another shoot and this of course, included her getting dolled up for it. This time around, Kareena's hair was worn straight with defined lashes, peach tinted cheeks and nude lips once more.
Wake up and makeup is the Monday mood I was waiting for ????????
A post shared by Kareena Kapoor Khan (@kareenakapoorkhan) on
(Also Read: Kareena Kapoor's "Wakeup And Makeup" Is The Morning Mood We Live For)
Under the veil of shoot makeup, Kareena's glowing skin has managed to shine through. Before we got the pregnancy memo, she was taking barefaced selfies and showcasing her mom-to-be glow with nothing but clear, bare skin and her hair pulled up in a top knot.
Up to some shade-y business… ???? #KaftanSeries
A post shared by Kareena Kapoor Khan (@kareenakapoorkhan) on
Weeks ago, she gave us a glimpse of her peaches and cream complexion as she set out to exercise and workout her pout. Accompanied by pulled back hair and a sports bra, it's refreshing to see radiant skin that doesn't need to added on.
I think my lips exercise the most... Well, I do atleast 100 pouts a day! ????????♀️????
A post shared by Kareena Kapoor Khan (@kareenakapoorkhan) on
Her #KaftanSeries on Instagram this summer not only listed the many, many kaftans that this Kapoor has been wearing but also her chiseled cheekbones and long straight hair with her bare skin selfies.
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(Also Read: Baby #2 For Kareena Kapoor And Saif Ali Khan: Here's Looking At Some Of Her Best Pregnancy Styles)
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