Priyanka Chopra's sphere of influence extends far out of the fashion bounds alone. From acing the trendiest styles to donning most precious jewels, the Citadel actress' ability to dress to the nines has always impressed us. Recently, to celebrate Bulgari's 140th anniversary, the actress was in Rome and she was spotted in the brand's most precious Serpenti Aeterna necklace. Apart from this precious creation, what really caught our eye was Priyanka's new chic bob cut that just reminded us of her character Meghna Mathur from Fashion. Not only in Fashion, but a similar cut was adorned by her in the movie What's Your Raashee.
Showcasing stunning charisma, the actress debuted this new look. In an Instagram story, she revealed that the reason for the cut was the necklace. She wrote, "When the jewels deserve a haircut for a better view." Indeed, not only it gave us a good glimpse of the 140 carat necklace but also much-needed summer beauty inspiration.
Priyanka Chopra's hair game has always been envy-worthy. Right after serving fans with a new look, the actress was back to a long hairstyle to serve chic glam. She delivered minimal aesthetic right in all-white look that was complete with matching shades and thigh-high boots. Whether the bob was actually a wig is unknown but her long wavy tresses were perfect to notch up her style game.
In the movie Fashion, she opted for similar short hair in multiple scenes that truly gave chic style an upgrade. Layered style done with face framing was the kind of vibe she aced.
From experimenting cuts to making bold statements with OTT hairdos, the actress has always redefined beauty in her own way. Previously, she aced waist-length locks and well, they served the right kind of inspiration. Her layered caramel locks perfectly matched her bold glam that looked complete with deep red lips.
Priyanka Chopra is not your regular beauty girl and this is proof.