There is nothing as intriguing as coloured eye makeup and Parineeti Chopra has hit the nail with this one. Taking to Instagram, her recent post features her wearing bold blue eye makeup. To complete the look, she went for nude lip shade, intense kohl-rimmed eyes, defined brows and fluttering lashes. Having dressed her lids in a bright blue shade, she kept the rest of her look quite subtle. Be it a cocktail party or an evening out with your gal pals, a smokey eye adds a bold quotient to your look. Parineeti Chopra's style statement can be easily pulled off when you want to stay comfortable, but also look sharp. But don't forget to coordinate your eye palette with your outfit.
(Also read: We Won't Disturb Parineeti Chopra But We Do Want Her Casual Chic Look)
Swirlster Picks Eye Shadow Palettes For You
Well, you can never beat a classic shimmery black smoky eye. Parineeti Chopra's impactful play on her eye makeup with glitter eyeliner and beautifully done dishevelled hair is a look that every woman is fond of.
Pulling off another statement eye look, Parineeti Chopra's smudged smokey eye look with head-to-toe black overalls features an upgraded version. She created a mixed play of warm shimmery nudes and smudged jet-black tones. Well, this definitely goes in her books to try.
(Also read: Parineeti Chopra's Version Of Band Baaja Baaraat Is More Glam Than You'd Think)
A magical bronze makeup look is always a winner. With matte nude lip shade, warm tones on the lids, highlighter-on-point cheeks, Parineeti Chopra's understated yet impactful makeup look is the boost we need for our lazy days.
To browse more makeup, click here.
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