Priyanka Chopra has taken over the world, almost literally. After her debut in Hollywood, the actress has only been climbing the ladder of success even more steadily. Recently, her beauty brand Anomaly has taken the hair care industry by storm. According to a report by Cosmetify, Priyanka's brand Anomaly recently became the second wealthiest celebrity beauty brand after surpassing, Rihanna's, Kylie Jenner's, and Selena Gomez's beauty brands. Anomaly was launched in the United States in 2021 and in India in 2022.
According to UK-based platform Cosmetify, Priyanka Chopra's Anomaly is at the second position in terms of revenue earned. The first position belongs to Rihanna's Fenty Beauty. Rihanna's beauty brand also made headlines recently for the Invisimatte Instant Setting and Blotting Powder as she used it during her striking performance at the Super Bowl LVII. Priyanka's Anomaly rests in the second spot while Kylie Jenner's Kylie Cosmetics is at the third place. It is further followed by Ariana Grande's R.E.M Beauty and the fifth spot is taken by Selena Gomez's Rare Beauty.
There has been a remarkable surge in the beauty world. From trends to trials, the industry has been buzzing with launches and it has been celebrities who have taken the opportunity by launching their beauty lines. Katrina Kaif's Kay Beauty launched in 2019 and since then, Masaba Gupta has launched LoveChild and Sonakshi Sinha launched SoEzi, amongst many more celebrity brands in in the lifestyle space. The latest one on the block is 82°E, which was launched by Deepika Padukone.