To some, leaving their hair growth untouched is a choice they make. Others may not quite feel the same, especially when it comes to facial hair. Unlike body hair, facial hair cannot be hidden under garments as even a meeting with a friend or a video chat can put it on display. Fortunately, it can be removed easily. If you want to get rid of facial hair on your upper lip, chin, sidelocks or eyebrows, find out which of these 5 hair removal methods best suits you.
1. Laser Hair Removal
Pros - Once the recommended amount of sessions are completed, the results of laser removal are long-lasting. It also reduces the thickness of future hair growth and apart from the light pricking, is almost a painless procedure.
Cons - Each session adds up which makes laser removal an expensive choice. It also needs to be carried out under expert guidance to prevent skin damage from occurring.
2. Shaving
Pros - Most of the myths around face shaving are completely untrue. It is completely painless and can be carried out quickly.
Cons - Since shaving only cuts the strand from the surface, hair reappears quickly (sometimes as quickly as a few days) for which, shaving needs to be done frequently. It also needs the right technique for proper removal, else one can end up with razor burn or even cuts.
3. Threading
Pros - This highly popular method of hair removal is generally fool-proof and is extremely cost-effective.
Cons - Like shaving, threading removes hair only from the surface which means it needs to be repeated regularly (usually monthly). Pain differs from person to person but it can sting quite a bit on sensitive skin. If done improperly (if the skin isn't stretched enough or threaded too harshly), it can leave minor cuts.
4. Waxing
Pros - Waxing the face doesn't leave a single strand in its wake and even removes the surface layer of skin cells. It is also fairly cost effective, depending on the type of wax and salon you choose.
Cons - We won't lie - waxing hurts, more so on the thin skin of the facial area. The action of waxing also stretches the skin, which puts it in danger of developing facial lines in the future.
5. Tweezing
Pros - Tweezing is simple enough to be done in one's own home and is extremely affordable on the cost scale since you only need a pair of tweezers.
Cons - Since each hair needs to individually plucked, it can be time consuming. Tweezing also needs to use the right technique as the wrong one can leave you with hair pulls.