Aishwarya Rai Bachchan made a splash at the Paris Fashion Week with her sartorial sensibilities. She is not done serving either style statements or makeup goals. At a recent L'Oreal Paris event, where the diva was a spokesperson for the brand's campaign supporting a stand against street harassment, Aishwarya stole the spotlight again with her luminescent glow, her on-fleek makeover and all-black ensemble. Aishwarya's winged eyeliner and mascara-laden eyelashes with shimmery pink eyeshadow were a beauty lover's delight. She enhanced it further with well-crafted brows. The perfect balance of contour and blush accentuated her cheekbones. The bold and bright red lipstick shade and newly-coloured, open wavy hair were her signature style moves.
Complementing her makeup was Aishwarya's sweeping black, form-fitting attire with a scooped neckline. To add some allure to her look, Aishwarya layered the ensemble with a dramatic overcoat, featuring exquisite silver embroidery with intricate beadwork on the flowy sleeves. The silver embellishments also made their way to the lower hem of the form-fitting bodice. Fashion enthusiasts take notes. The beauty in black rounded off her charismatic avatar with sparkly, diamond earrings and statement rings. Hosted at the Gateway of India, the event saw Aditi Rao Hydari, and Prasoon Joshi along with other celebrities like John Abraham showing their support for the cause.
There was no looking away from Aishwarya at her grand walk at the Paris Fashion Week. The actress rocked the all-glammed-up makeover with contoured cheeks, a hint of blush, and some generous amounts of highlighter. Her fluttery eyelashes and winged liner were beautifully on par. Those plump and glossy nude lips levelled up Aiswarya's beauty factor. Blonde highlights cascaded down her shoulders in waves, complementing her golden cape gown. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan struck gold in the shimmery, golden silhouette gown, adorned with intricate embroidery and sequins all over the attire. To top off her Falguni Shane Peacock ensemble, she layered her outfit with a similar golden-sequinned cape that came with a sweeping terrain. Totally majestic!
There is no going wrong with glitter. Aishwarya in a glitzy, green Valentino dress with kaftan detailing provided ample proof of that. A matte-finish base with subtle eye makeup and light-brown lip colour was the apt choice.
Being a red carpet legend, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's style statements are simply fabulous.
To watch Aishwarya walk the ramp at L'Oreal's Show in Paris click below: