Apart from acting, actor Chris Hemsworth has now revealed one of his true passions. Knowing his sense of humour however, it's a relief he's kidding. The Thor actor shared a hilarious video on social media displaying his hairdressing skills or what he called his "one true passion". In the video, we can see Chris recording his son with his new funky haircut which looked like a modern mushroom cut, given by Chris himself. His son flexed his new haircut and twirled around giving us a clear view of the hairstyle. In another photo, he showcased his son's new hairstyles and captioned the pictures as, “Hairdressing has always been my one true passion and as you can see the results speak for themselves”. All we can say is, we're glad acting is his full-time job.
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This is not the first time Chris shared fun moments with his family. He recently shared an adorable picture of him enjoying with his sons, Sasha and Tristan, in Spain. In the picture, we can see all three of them candidly posing and looking outside the window at the beautiful scenery behind them. Captioning the photo, he wrote “Early morning chat with my boys in Spain”.
Chris Hemsworth's hairdressing skills are nothing but fun and we can't wait to see more of such skills.
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