Alaya Furniturewalla has set the internet ablaze with her impeccable dressing and fashion sense. From bold gowns on the red carpet to ethnic outfits for festivities, the diva has aced it all. This time the stunner wore a scintillating silver lehenga set from the clothing label Disha Patil. The gorgeous ensemble featured an embellished strap bralette with a plunging neckline. The blouse also showcased a sheer panel with silver threadwork over it. To complement it, Alaya wore a flared lehenga skirt with lacework on a net in a similar silver colour palette. She carried a sheer ruffled dupatta with the outfit. A pair of ethnic dangling earrings were the only accessories the actress picked. Leaving her tresses loose in natural waves, Alaya opted for a smokey eye effect, rosy blush, and nude lip tint.
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Alaya Furniturewalla's recent choice for the Diwali bash at Manish Malhotra's residence was a sunshine yellow drape from the designer label. The shimmery festive drape had sequin detailing all over on a base of yellow and white. The sequins sparkled like the stars which added to the glam factor of the look. She paired the drape with a strap blouse having a plunging neckline in yellow. For accessories, she wore a pair of traditional earrings and completed her soft glam with kohl-rimmed eyes and rosy blush.
Also Read: Alaya Furniturewalla Can Look Fantastic In A Cutout Dress "Even When Its 35 Degrees Outside"
Alaya Furniturewalla's blush pink Anita Dongre anarkali was another ethnic look we absolutely loved. The strappy-sleeved outfit featured a plunging neckline and intricate work and embroidery in fine thread. Alaya carried a sheer dupatta in the same shade of pink to match the anarkali. Open tresses and rosy makeup were the right amount of glam to perfect the ethnic look.
Alaya Furniturewalla's exquisite ethnic fashion is winning hearts no doubt.
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