Here's what the stars have in store for you today. Look for insights here about work, health, relationships and money using this daily horoscope.
Moon will transit into Taurus today. For you, that brings the Moon into the 2nd house. You may find yourself in a precarious position today. You may feel challenged like you are swimming against the current, which could prove counterproductive. Nothing may seem to work out. Taking a break will ease the stress at such a time. Happiness will come your way later today as you will get rewards in both a tangible and intangible manner. Restlessness will reduce to a great extent and you will be able to focus better.
Moon will transit into Taurus today. For you, that brings the Moon into the 1st house. You tend to be more practical today. You need to be diplomatic to hold onto a sense of harmony. It is the right time to cross those limits which were stopping you so far. Compromise on nothing. Today you will be in the mood to spend money on your appearance. But, you will not overspend. You will find the ‘best deal' or you may bargain hard before buying a service.
Moon will transit into Taurus today. For you, that brings the Moon into the 12th house. Even though it is for your own benefit, you will spend the day safeguarding the sentiments of others. Not too uncharacteristic, but unusual nonetheless. For the most part of the day, you will be away from your family, mostly on a trip for business or leisure. You should practice the right 'investment of energy'. This means you should work on things only if they are going to yield results.
Moon will transit into Taurus today. For you, that brings the Moon into the 11th house. The workaholic Bull will have more on their plate than it can chew. They will be under so much work pressure that their otherwise robust shoulders may wilt under pressure. You are advised to take it easy and learn to say no. Also, this is just a temporary phase, and as long as you stay cool, nothing can defeat you. You will remain stress-free today and enjoy peace of mind. This will bring a smile to your face.
Moon will transit into Taurus today. For you, that brings the Moon into the 10th house. Strict efforts may not bear fruit in persuading your partner. He or she may feel that you don't take care of your duties and responsibilities enough. A creative approach may help soften the mood of your loved one. Today you need to take up more assignments to earn some extra money. Short-term benefits may not be on the horizon, but be patient. Those dealing in the stock market may not be very happy with the circumstances.
Moon will transit into Taurus today. For you, that brings the Moon into the 9th house. You will be able to convince your loved one and may feel like gifting something precious to this most precious person in your life. Trust your partner. Long-term commitment is on the cards now. Today is a favourable day to sit with your bank statement and analyse your income and expenses to get a better idea about where you stand and also to have an overview of the future.
Moon will transit into Taurus today. For you, that brings the Moon into the 8th house. You are likely to be in an experimental mood today. Your fascination for beautiful clothes, perfumes and accessories will drive your partner crazy. Your sensuality will mesmerise your loved one easing them into a romantic mood for a steamy interlude. It is unlikely that today you will find any logic in your current financial status and will be wondering how to progress. This is the time to sit back, relax and be happy with what you have.
Moon will transit into Taurus today. For you, that brings the Moon into the 7th house. You are loyal and faithful to your loved one. You will listen to your sweetheart to your heart's content. This is also a favourable day to invest some money in informal business plans. Meetings at the office will go well. However, you may have to agree with your colleagues' point of view. Mingling with your colleagues can give you a sense of belonging. You need to maintain your dignity.
Moon will transit into Taurus today. For you, that brings the Moon into the 6th house. A cloud of worries is likely to shift you into a gloomy mood. Try to burst that cloud, and make a decision that would help you to solve your troubles. If you want the situation to return to normal, there may be some delay. However, you would be the one who would benefit at the end of the day! Work swiftly, and avoid stretching yourself beyond your limits. You will be very pragmatic in financial matters and will avoid all temptations to spend impulsively.
Moon will transit into Taurus today. For you, that brings the Moon into the 5th house. Good news for students! If you have been trying your luck for studies abroad, today is an opportune day. Also, get your priorities straight and see that you achieve them one by one, for only a well-planned move can take you a step closer to your goals. Spruce up to spice up- this motto will inspire you today. You are advised to refrain from trading in the stock market. It's a time when you may hone your skills.
Moon will transit into Taurus today. For you, that brings the Moon into the 3rd house. Compromise is the name of the game when it comes to relationships, and you are adept at it. You realise the importance of losing an argument to win over a heart and do so with panache. Indeed, this is an area where others emulate you. Unlike your normal self, today your mind is likely to rule over your heart. Although you are fit and fine, you may feel mentally exhausted. Consequently, you may remain less focused on your work.