Arjun Kapoor and Malaika Arora have been a much-loved couple in Bollywood. But their ride was not very rosy to begin with. The couple in the initial days of their relationship faced their share of ups and downs. And it was mainly because of their past and age difference, mainly as Malaika is older than Arjun. From the numerous trolls on social media and public backlash the couple faced it all and kept their rock-solid relationship going. The duo accepted their relationship on social media back in the year 2019 when they shared messages on each other's social media posts and the ride from then has only been love-filled. However, break up rumours are part and parcel of the game but Arjun simply turned them all down by sharing an adorable picture with Malaika and captioning it as "No place for shady rumours". If this isn't relationship goals, then what is?
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5 Relationship Lessons Malaika Arora And Arjun Kapoor's Relationship Taught Us
1. Age Is Just A Number
We often say age is just a number but the couple has actually proved it to be correct. Inspite of the 12 year-long age gap between the two, Arjun and Malaika have not let it come in the way of them. They have accepted the difference and understood each other as two individuals, and age remains as a number indeed.
2. Take Vacations Together
It is very important for a couple to take vacations together. Only through traveling and spending some quality time with the other half do you grow as people and partners and Arjun and Malaika have just done it right. We have seen some beautiful pictures of the couple lazing around in the sun on the pristine beaches of Maldives and enjoying each other's company.
3. Accept Each Other's Past
Everyone has a past and accepting it maturely is what matters. May that be a failed marriage or a failed relationship it is important that the past does not spoil your present and Arjun and Malaika have followed the mantra well.
4. Pay No Attention To Trolls
In the industry that Arjun and Malaika are, they are continuously under scrutiny. From what they wear, to what they eat to whom they meet, everything is being seen. While the trollers keep talking about the couple's age difference and past, the two have maintained a strong relationship by not paying any heed to the trolls.
5. Always Keep The Fashion Game On Point
Arjun Kapoor and Malaika Arora are a celebrity pair we look up to for many things, fashion included. They make even basic casual outfits look uber cool with their style and panache. We love how they dress up effortlessly, may it be the ethnic wear or the swimsuits.
Every relationship goes through high tides and low but you can tell the love is real when you fall back to them at the end of the day. Malaika and Arjun's relationship is certainly a lesson for all!
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