For many people, more often than not, getting over an ex is a hard thing to do. No matter if the relationship was a happy one or a sad one, you always break up because there was no other way out of whatever predicament life threw your way. But after the whole thing is said and done, the tears, the fights, the distancing, the cutting off, the healing process itself is a lot of work. It demands time and patience. And a lot of mindfulness, friends, and good vibes.
But after all that, when life gets to normal, how do you know for certain that you are once and for all, finally over that ex? Here are some sure shot signs.
(Also Read: Is It Time To End Your Relationship? 5 Signs That Say It Is)
You can speak to them without any ulterior motives or awkwardness
When you guys do start talking to each other again (hopefully after a long time has passed), if you don't feel any of your old feelings and can talk to them just as you would talk to a friend, that is telling you that you are over them after all.
You aren't awkward when you run into them somewhere
You know, you don't run away in the opposite direction or avoid them or start stammering. That. If you run into them and you can greet and meet them as yet another person who you feel friendly towards, that is good.
(Also Read: 5 Warning Signs That He's Not "The One")
Your heart doesn't plummet when you hear of them meeting someone new
In the course of you guys talking, if they mention that they have met someone new and are happy with them, and your heart doesn't skip a beat, and you feel happy for them, that is good news.
Songs don't remind you of them
You know how we tend to relate songs to people, places and memories? Well if that song that you used to relate to your ex doesn't make you think of them lovingly, then congrats.
(Also Read: 3 Reasons Why A Break After A Break Up Is Essential)
You can fall in love with someone else
Not to make your ex feel jealous, not to take any sort of revenge, not to feed your ego, not to prove a point, not to simply feel attractive - but to actually want to be with someone; when you can love someone, that is a good sign. Being ready for something new and letting someone love you is a sign that you are over your ex.