We have often heard that it is important to build a healthy relationship between two individuals but firstly, it is important to have a strong bond with yourself. We are usually highly critical of things, especially our flaws but building a bond with ourselves slowly helps in accepting our highs and lows. When we have a healthy sense of self-worth and self-love, we automatically know what our priorities are and communicate that effectively to others. Self-love is the key to your own happiness and here's why you need to strengthen the bond with yourself before you do so with anyone else.
Also Read: 7 Green Flags That Your Partner Must Have For A Healthy Relationship (ndtv.com)
6 Reasons Why You Need To Build A Strong Relation With Yourself
1. It Is The Key To Happiness
Mental well-being is the key to happiness and having it on track is super essential. Making yourself a priority always gives you a sense of satisfaction. It also gives you the ability to treat yourself in an accepting, kind, and compassionate way.
2. Makes You Independent
Whether you are in a relationship or not, being independent is very essential. When we say independence, it means you know when and how to build your boundaries with certain people. It also means the ability to exist by yourself and happily at that, when necessary.
3. It Helps In Setting goals
If you are happy from within, there is nothing that can stop you from setting your goals or achieving what you want with the right intention. Moreover, it has a great impact on your creativity and external behaviour as well.
4. Helps In Improving Your Relationship
Knowing your worth not only helps in keeping yourself happy but also helps in making your relationships healthy. This helps in maintaining a positive frame of mind which eventually is a plus when in a relationship. It also gives you the energy to heal your partner.
5. Making Healthy Choices
When we have a positive mindset, we are often inclined toward making healthy choices and keeping health as our priority, which is very important. When we love ourselves, we will eat right, care for our bodies and ensure we are always in a productive state.
6. Self-Care Becomes A Routine
Self-love comes with self-care. A healthy mind and body help in dealing with our everyday struggles and set our expectations right.