The 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival turned out to be a historic event for India. Be it celebrities like Kiara Advani making their debut or Nancy Tyagi dazzling in her self-made gown, there were many wow-worthy moments. However, one couple stole the show—veteran star Naseeruddin Shah and his actress wife Ratna Pathak Shah. It was their first time attending Cannes, and they made a stylish entrance. Ratna chose a saree from her collection and paired it with a custom blouse, while Naseeruddin exuded regal vibes in a white sherwani. The duo flew to the French Riviera for the screening of Naseeruddin's 1976 film Manthan, which premiered in the Cannes Classics section during a gala at Salle Bunuel.
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While it was a happy moment for Naseeruddin, his wife looked incredibly proud, flashing a smile for the cameras. While many debuts take place on the Cannes red carpet, seeing a couple, who are both established in their careers, jointly do it is pure magic. On their debut moment, Naseeruddin spoke to Brut India and said, "It felt unreal to me. I have always seen the red carpet ceremony either on video or in photographs. I have seen all these lovely ladies parading themselves in their gorgeous costumes. I never dreamt I'd be a part of that one day. So, my wife and I decided to keep it as simple as possible. And, of course, it was a terribly emotional experience".
Naseeruddin Shah and Ratna Pathak Shah got married in 1982. They are proud parents to two sons; Imaad Shah and Vivaan Shah. They have also have consistently supported each other throughout their careers and maintained a sturdy relationship that serves as an inspiration to many. After their interfaith marriage, Naseeruddin's family was incredibly supportive towards Ratna. In a recent conversation with Hauterrfly, Ratna shared, “Naseer's family surprisingly didn't make a fuss at all. Not once did anybody ever even mention the ‘C' word, convert. Nobody said anything about me. They just accepted me for what I am. I'm very, very lucky because I've heard of people who have trouble settling down. Afterwards, I've been friends with all of them, including my mother-in-law, who was a very homebound kind of person but extremely liberal in every situation.”
Truly a timeless couple who wins together.
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