Trust Priyanka Chopra to steal all attention whenever she steps out. The superstar is currently in Mumbai, and has been busy with various work commitments, including shooting for Shonali Bose's upcoming film, tentatively titled as The Sky Is Pink. Other than her ace acting skills, Priyanka's fashion game too is always on point. She never misses an opportunity to sport the season's hottest looks and set style inspiration for her fans. Among the many style trends, sparkles and shimmers surely seem to be a favourite with Priyanka Chopra.
We recently spotted Priyanka in Mumbai, making a dazzling style statement in a grey dress by CO, a luxury fashion label based in LA. The flowy maxi dress had floral prints, sheer sleeves and a high neck with tie-ups that looked perfect for a stylish evening out. Priyanka teamed it with a pair of sparkle silver and black sandals, and a chic pair of shades.
(Also read: Priyanka Chopra To Disha Patani: Green Seems To Be A Monsoon Favourite)
It's not the first time when Priyanka has picked subtle hues but with a sprinkling of the right amount of sparkles to notch up the glam factor. Remember her stunning appearance at the Forbes Women's Summit in June? The actress had caught everyone's attention in a dazzling silver top with a matching pleated skirt by one of her favourite designers - Ralph Lauren.
How can we forget the time when Priyanka had stepped out with her friends in California, dressed head to toe in Channel? She had worn a silver and white Chanel jumpsuit, wherein the trousers were cropped and flared, and she had spruced it up with statement accessories such as a transparent Chanel box bag, a beaded belt and a sparkly necklace.
And again, when we talk about sparkles, we have to mention Priyanka's regal look during her friend Meghan Markle's wedding, when she looked every bit like a royal in a sparkly champagne gown from Dior.
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Priyanka Chopra surely proves that when it's about glamming up, there's nothing better than adding a dose of sparkles.