At the airport where Bollywood's style quotient has been lighting up, Sunny Leone was seen looking her very best. Over a black printed t-shirt and leggings, she wore a red studded jacket, studded loafers, black sunglasses and a tote bag.
While the red certainly adds a pop of colour, it's the studded elements on her jacket and shoes which add a spunky touch to this look. In fact, it's possible to add that to any outfit of yours with the right studded picks. To add studs to your style like Sunny Leone, try these 5 pieces.
The Qupid Sandals are black heeled mules with slingback straps and silver studs over the body. There's nothing we don't love about these. They are available for Rs 2,364 from Rs 4,299. Shop here.
The BB Dakota Jerilyn Moto Jacket is a classic one that won't ever go out of style. It is made of faux leather with exposed zips and silver studs in a moto style. It is available for Rs 13,059. Shop here.
Take studs up a few notches with the Olivia and Jaymes Ankle Strap Heels. The beige toned heels have gold circular and pointed studs over the straps and a 4-inch heel. They are available for Rs 5,204. Shop here.
The Kanvas Katha Studded Tote Bag is a great choice to wear studs with subtlety. The tan faux leather bag comes with circular and cross studs over the body. It available for Rs 959 from Rs 1,499. Shop here.
Who ever said you can't have fun with studs. The Chumbak Happy Studded Black Sliders have colourful pointed studs over the strap. They available for Rs 1,495. Shop here.
How will you be sporting studs like Sunny? Tell us in the comments.