Ananya Panday had been busy with the shooting and promotions of her last movie Liger, along with Vijay Devarakonda. After a few weeks of promotional events all over the country, where the actor gave swoon-worthy fashion inspirations, she is currently on a holiday in Europe. Her holiday vanity is just as chic, trendy and spotless. We are literally drooling over her gorgeous bikinis and stylish flowy outfits. Taking inspiration from the diva, here are a few of her holiday looks from her recent vacation that we need to bookmark for ours.
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Ananya Panday was seen sunbathing in a quirky green printed bikini top paired with string detailing, with similar bikini bottoms. She ditched a sarong and wore a pair of smart joggers in ivory palette over her bikini bottoms. For accessories she picked a delicate necklace and a pair of trendy sunglasses.
Ananya Panday was seen adorning a strappy spaghetti dress and looked uber cool. The multi-coloured skater dress had floral prints in yellow, red and all the summer colours. The actor left her tresses loose and wore minimal makeup for a sunny day in the city.
Ananya Panday picked a stunning floral bikini set while spending the summers in Capri. The high waist bikini bottom with yellow and green floral print and the strappy bikini top with her pair of trendy sunglasses is the perfect summer we would want too.
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Ananya Panday's easy breezy maxi dress is a must-have summer wardrobe possession. The tube dress had a tropical print in deep blue and yellow on the base of white. The actor accessorised the look with delicate earrings and necklace.
Making yet another case of minimal dressing, Ananya Panday wore a stunning all-white tube dress in Rome and won our hearts. Accessorising the cutwork outfit with a pair of dangling earrings, Ananya looked picture perfect with her minimal makeup and the scenic backdrop of the dusk sky.
Ananya Panday's latest pictures of a strappy skater from the streets of Rome is setting the internet on fire. The actor was seen wearing a pink and white strappy mini dress while having a good time in Rome. She carried an ivory baguette and wore no makeup which was perfect for the sunny day.
Looking at Ananya, don't you wish you were on a holiday too?
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