Since Maheep Kapoor's appearance on the hit show Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives, her fame has skyrocketed. We've recently stumbled upon Maheep Kapoor's wedding look from her husband Sanjay Kapoor's Instagram post. He shared a picture that took us back to their magical wedding day in 1998. In this snapshot, the proud fathers of the bride and groom stood tall, while the beautiful bride stole the spotlight. Clad in a resplendent pink lehenga adorned with intricate gold embroidery, she looked nothing short of a royal queen. Maheep adorned her luscious locks with a heavy traditional maang tika. Around her neck, she layered not one, but two exquisite necklaces. Adding to the allure, her wrists were adorned with traditional chooda, and her hands were graced with magnificent haath phool. Maheep Kapoor's wedding look is a testament to her impeccable style and the timeless charm of Indian ensembles.
(Also Read: Maheep Kapoor On Dressing With Confidence And Fashion Advice Shed Pass Down To Shanaya Kapoor)
Time flies, but Maheep Kapoor's fashion sense keeps soaring to new heights. In a recent Instagram post, the style diva mesmerised us with her unique take on the classic six yards of elegance. Sporting a plain black saree with a touch of chic, she added a dash of glamour with a shimmery black jacket gracefully resting on her shoulders. Maheep Kapoor proves that even after 26 years, she continues to redefine fashion with her effortless panache.
For Diwali celebrations last year, Maheep Kapoor draped herself in the mesmerising hues of a blue saree with intricate sequin work. As she posed alongside her dashing husband, all eyes were on her. But wait, it wasn't just the saree that stole the show. Those dangling long earrings added an extra touch of elegance.
When Maheep Kapoor declared "red is my colour," we couldn't help but nod in agreement. Wearing a breathtaking red lehenga for a jewellery shoot, she set the stage ablaze. The cropped bustier and flared skirt added a modern twist to the traditional silhouette, while the exquisite dupatta gracefully hung over her shoulder.
Maheep Kapoor embraced her inner diva in a black and golden bling saree. The fabric was perfectly complemented by her soft glam makeup. With her hair parted in the middle and styled in poker-straight perfection, she tied the look together beautifully.
Maheep Kapoor's fashionable picks continue to inspire us and leave us yearning for more.
Comments(Also Read: You Know What Makes Maheep Kapoor's Power Pantsuit Even More Stunning? All The Glittery Green Sequins Covering It)