Other than her passion for fitness, Bollywood actress Disha Patani is also known for her bold and stylish fashion choices. After all, with a well-toned body like that, nailing fashions trends definitely looks like an easy task for her. From crop tops and ripped shorts to backless dresses and gorgeous lehengas, Disha has been experimenting with her looks this season and grabbing all attention too. Among her many stylish looks, her fondness for a popular swimsuit trend is unmissable, and it is chic monokinis.
Monokinis have definitely been ruling the style charts for hottest swimwear trends in the recent years. Evolving far beyond the classic one-piece of yesteryears, monokinis today come in stylish cuts, peppy colours, standout design elements and many more features to make it incredibly chic. A look at Disha's Instagram account and you are sure to agree that there's probably no Bollywood celeb who has been having as much fun this summer with monokinis as Disha.
If you have been meaning to spruce up your swimwear collection, then take style tips from Disha Patani as she sports five trendy styles:
Cut-out patterns
Disha recently posted a picture on Instagram, bringing in the tropical vibe, in a peppy yellow monokini. The actress' swimsuit had a front cut-out pattern that flaunted her midriff, and a lace-up detail to hold it together. Cut-outs definitely work wonders to add a chic spin to one's look and help flaunt a well-toned body.
(Also read: Disha Patani Beats The Heat By Keeping It Short And Chic)
Metallic shades
For days when you want to effortlessly look stylish, metallic shades are the perfect fix. They will add the right amount of sheen to your beach look on a holiday.
Lace-up suits may take time to wear, but they surely lend in an extra edge to one's look. Disha's white monokini with lace-ups and deep cuts is a perfect example.
Mesh monokini
Mesh monokini is perfect to flaunt a little skin as well as look chic. Disha's black swimsuit is definitely on point.
One shoulder monokini
In the craze for one shoulder and cold shoulder clothing, these stylish swimsuit is no doubt a popular pick. Disha looks picture perfect in a black piece.
So which monokini style is your favourite?