Aahana Kumra's style statement is daring and bold, just how we like it. The actress recently walked the red carpet looking a million dollars in a metallic blue co-ord set. The ensemble, from fashion designer Ambika Lal, included a halter-neck blouse with underwire detailing which showed off her midriff. It was styled with the designer's signature thigh-high slit skirt, showcasing a front knot. A pair of dangler diamond earrings and silver heels upped the ante of the outfit. Sleek wet tresses and minimal matte glam including soft-kohl eyes, subtle blush on the cheeks and glossy lips gave finishing touches to her bold look.
Also Read: Aahana Kumra's White Strapless Midi Stuck To Its Job Of Looking Pristine
Aahana Kumra has a stylish answer to all popular fashion trends. The actress was “in full bloom” as she slipped into a floral maxi dress, giving us summer dressing goals. The peach number, with an off-shoulder neckline and full sleeves, featured vibrant pink floral detailing. Blush pink glam and open tresses suited her.
Before this, Aahana Kumra wowed us in a strapless bodycon white midi, which showcased stylish cut-outs around the midriff region. With that white footwear, she nailed the monochrome magic to perfection. Her sleek diamond necklace came with a green stone studded right in the centre. She pulled her tresses in a sleek bun and left a few strands open to give an aesthetic touch. To top it off, the sunlight complemented the minimal glam, making it shine effortlessly.
Also Read: Aahana Kumra Is Taking A Walk On The Wild Side In A Chic Zebra Print Bodysuit With A Belt
Aahana's ethnic wardrobe is equally stunning. She wowed us in a muddy brown drape, which was teamed with a stylish silver blouse, showcasing a plunging neckline and a designer back. Statement chandbalis and a matching potli bag rounded off the traditional pizzazz of the actress. Wavy tresses and muted glam with heavily kohl-rimmed eyes was totally on-point.
Aahana Kumra's underrated fashion sensibilities require all our attention.
CommentsAlso Read: Aahana Kumra Takes A "Walk On The Wild Side" In An Equally Wild Swim Set