The stunning Aditi Rao Hydari never fails to stand out in her ethnic style statements. Recently at an event, the Bollywood actress was seen clad in a beautiful icy blue kurta set from Raw Mango. The three-piece suit featuring a short kurta, sharara, and dupatta, made Aditi Rao look every bit like a princess. The short kurta had a closed neck with mini frills on the neckline and the sleeves, while the matching sharara pants were embellished with pearls and stones along with an elegant organza dupatta with intricate embroidery work of floral lattices punctuated with stone and pearls. Aditi accessorised her look with polki diamond and emerald studded gold earrings from Tyaani Jewellery. With loose curls, blushed cheeks, minimal makeup, and red lips, she carried the look with finesse.
Also read: Sara Ali Khan's Black And Gold Manish Malhotra Lehenga Is For Those Who Crave Subtle Ethnic Elegance
Aditi Rao Hydari's ethnic look reminded us of another occasion when the actress was seen wearing an outfit from the same brand that featured a bright orange woven organza kurta with gold peacock buttas all over the fabric. She had styled it with heavily flared gharara pants. With fresh and dewy makeup, and gold dangler jhumkas she easily did justice to the entire look.
Also read: Aditi Rao Hydari's Floral Printed Sharara Should Be Every Summer Wedding's Chic Mandate
Aditi Rao Hydari has elegantly contributed to B-town's sharara trend quite a number of times. She had everyone's attention when she wore a beautiful Varanasi silk brocade kurta paired with shararas featuring a 'jaal' of floral and peacock motifs, setting fashion goals. Middle parted hair, bold lips, and makeup made the actress look picture perfect.
On many occasions, Aditi Rao Hydari has given us all fashion takeaways on how to dress like royalty, and yet be minimal. From solids to abstract patterns, long flowy shararas to chic kurtas, she continues to steal the show in each look. We can't wait to see more!