Looks like Sara Ali Khan's sharara streak continues. We're beginning to think that it's only getting better every day. The Bollywood actress has been busying herself with promotions for her upcoming movie Atrangi Re and we've noticed she's been lusting after shararas. Spotted in the city for another round of movie duties, Sara was seen in a bright yellow sharara suit. It also featured green pattern work over the body of the kurta and a matching yellow dupatta trimmed with paillettes. She also wore matching yellow flowing bottoms to make this outfit completely like a tall glass of sunshine. Keeping it simple as always, Sara wore green bangles on her wrists and stud earrings. Along with radiant natural makeup, she wore her hair straight and loose.
(Also Read: On Wednesdays, Sara Ali Khan Wears Pink Flouncy Shararas)
The brighter, the better - at least that's what Sara has been using as the inspiration behind her sharara looks. She was recently captured in the city wearing a highlighter pink sharara that instantly brightened our lives. Complete with silver embroidered details and a flowing fit with silver jewellery, it certainly gave ethnic wear a punchy pop of colour.
And even when it wasn't in a sharara, it's bright and bold tones that Sara goes for. When she posed with her Atrangi Re co-star Akshay Kumar, she was seen in a yellow and white salwar kameez that was embellished with mirror work and had a sheer white dupatta. Juttis and bangles added to the ethnic vibe.
(Also Read: Ananya Panday And Sara Ali Khan's Contrasting Yet Fabulous Lehengas Are A Feast For The Eyes)