Alaya Furniturewala may be all but one film in old in Bollywood but that hasn't stopped her from claiming her place as an up and coming B-town fashionista. Even before her debut Jawaani Jaaneman, Alaya had been making waves in tropical printed co-ord sets and t-shirt dresses with high heels. The dust has now settled around the movie that also starred Tabu and Saif Ali Khan but that isn't going to stand in her way from making a style statement or two. This afternoon, the young actress was spotted in the city in a look that brought trends to the forefront. In light layers and sneakers, Alaya went for monochrome tones much like Sara Ali Khan did earlier today.
Monochrome Sportswear Like Alaya And Sara
Make a splash in monochrome toned sports gear like Sara and Alaya on the very same day.
(Also Read: Make Sara Ali Khan's Monochrome Tracksuit Your Go-To Casual Outfit)
Alaya wore a black and white cropped sweatshirt with a mesh panel over the front. With it were black fitted tights and chunky white Fila disruptor sneakers which are currently the craze in the sneaker world. If that wasn't trendy enough, she paired the outfit with a structured black backpack and a wide smile to greet the paps. Combining trends like chunky sneakers, peek-a-boo panels and structured pieces in one outfit, Alaya made certain to turn an everyday athleisure look into one that would get the fashion folk talking.
Trendy Fashion Picks To Add Like Alaya
Want to add a trendy touch to your outfit? Then take inspiration from Alaya and add these picks in.
To browse more sportswear on Amazon, click here.
(Also Read: Alaya Furniturewalla Is Channeling Summer Days In Cool Tropical Co-Ords)
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