Alia Bhatt and The Archies fame Vedang Raina recently announced the wrap-up of their shoot for the upcoming film Jigra on Instagram by dropping a string of candid pictures together. Instantly apparent is the amiable bond that they share and their duo's casual, almost matching, ensembles only serve to accentuate those friendly vibes. Challenging the standard of glitz and glam for a film promotional shoot, Alia aced the girl-next-door look in a basic off-white T-shirt with a graphic print on the front. She paired it with black pants, A no-makeup approach with just a dash of pink lip tint and short hair left loose rounded off the actress' too-cool-for-glam style statement. Complimenting his co-star's easy-breezy look was Vedang Raina in a grey ribbed pullover with an animal emblazonment in black print on the front. The young actor layered the loose fit with a white T-shirt underneath. A buzz-cut hairstyle with a light stubble added a hint of ruggedness to his look.
Alia Bhatt is an expert in acing casual chic. While glamorous fits are the diva's go-to option for any event, when she goes out for a casual outing or is at home, the actress shifts to comfy wear. Earlier, the diva leaned on a multi-coloured tie-dyed ensemble for a random Instagram click. Her OOTD featured a buttoned-up and collared half-sleeved shirt in shades of yellow, blue, and pink on a white base, coupled with matching pants. With the sheer play of hues on her attire, Alia reminded us that the festival of colours aka Holi was fast approaching.
Vedang Raina displays the art of Gen-Z dressing like no other. The way he amped up a basic white T-shirt in an earlier Instagram post speaks volumes about his fashion sense. Embracing his casual suaveness, Vedang put on an ocean-blue Varsity jacket, that came with white full sleeves. Navy blue and yellow stripes on the cuffs and collars served as the uber-cool factor. The word ‘R' written in bold yellow letter highlighted his love for the Riverdale series, the Indian adaptation of which was The Archies. Denim blue jeans sealed his sporty avatar.
Alia Bhatt and Vedang Raina's sartorial picks are a testament to the millennial and Gen-Z fashion trends.
CommentsAlso Read: Alia Bhatt And Her <i>Jigra</i> Vedang Raina Ditch The Glam For A Basic Chic Look