It has been quite a year for actress Alia Bhatt. From her intimate yet dreamy wedding to being a busy mom-to-be, Alia Bhatt is quite on the radar. Fresh off the release of Darlings, the actress is now busy with the promotions of her upcoming movie, Brahmastra, which has been years in the making. While she is all decked up for promotions, the actress is ensuring to keep her maternity fashion on point as well. The very fashionable expectant mom on the block, Alia Bhatt is every now and then dropping some gorgeous style moments. A proponent for prints and dresses for her maternity style, Alia Bhatt's low-key fashion is all about comfort with style. Her overall style tends to lean towards subtle hues and very blended prints. In yet another off-duty look, actress Alia Bhatt was seen adorning a hot pink printed strappy number which featured a sweetheart neckline. She beautifully showcased her baby bump in this bright number. The matching blazer was the perfect layer to the look and her very minimal gold-toned hoops added a stylish quotient to it.
Amid promotion, actress Alia Bhatt is making sure to give us some incredible fashion moments as she makes an appearance. In a pretty polka dot number, the actress was taking us everyday fashion to new levels. The beautiful red and black is from the shelves of The Jodi Life and featured a v-neckline and a wraparound style. She go low on accessories and accentuated the look with just a simple pair of golden minimal hoop earrings. Her natural makeup and open tresses perfectly added to her look.
Actress Alia Bhatt has never failed to keep the fashion police on their toes. The actress in yet another stunning attire was seen adorning a neutral tone. The actress kept it cool as she wore elevated bell bottom denim with a beige shirt. She opted for some dainty rings and hoop earrings to accessorise the look right. With minimal glam and naturally open mane, Alia's look was just perfect to adorn any day.
Alia Bhatt is embracing her baby bump in the most graceful and stylish way. So far, the actress has kept her fashion super simple yet up to the mark. In yet another style, the actress sported shades of pink and black. She opted for a chiffon ruffle dress from Gucci, which came in a frothy pink shade which featured ruffles along the neckline. She added a sleeveless waistcoat over the dress and under it, went with black trousers. Her studded pumps and regular hoops were a perfect minimal addition that she needed.