If you're wondering what to add to your shopping cart in order to raise your style bar, Amazon Fashion Week 2018 is where your attention and eyes need to be. Street style at fashion weeks is always something to look out for. Not just because it gives you an idea about what's trending amongst fashion enthusiasts, but also because it very often sets a tone for what's yet to come in the fashion world. Fashion week street style pros are way ahead of the style curve, we dare say. And not just because of their stand out outfits, but because they dare to wear what most others are probably not ready for yet.
Amazon Fashion Week 2018 has been replete with quirky and out of the box street style. Here's our verdict on what's trending or will soon be trending thanks to these street style pros.
1. Layering
One look around the Delhi stadium where the fashion week is being held and you will have no doubt that layering is key to looking stylish in the coming seasons. Dresses over skirts, mesh dresses over slip dresses, jacket on shirt, shirt on shirt - you name it and you'll find it.
2. Quirky hair colour
It might be time to shed your inhibitions - and your natural hair colour. Amazon Fashion Week will have you believe that shades of blue and pink in your strands is what's needed to uplift your everyday look. Well, if you can carry it off like these fashion mavens, you might as well try.
3. Big, bold accessories
Whether it's in your hair, on your ears or your hands, the bigger and more visible your accessory, the more modish you seem to be. At least that's what we gather from what we see around us at fashion week this season.
Which one of these do you want to try or have tried already? Let us know in the comments section below.