The year has begun on a festive note for the Ambani family. Business tycoon Mukesh Ambani's youngest son, Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant are all set to tie the knot as wedding festivities begin in all pomp and show. The engagement took place in Rajasthan for close friends and family followed by a grand party back home for all of Mumbai to see and we sure did too from our screens. The mehendi celebration of the couple took place recently and bride-to-be Radhika Merchant looked charming as ever. We begin to see a pattern with pinks as Radhika Merchant picks bright pink tones for her mehendi too after her roka ceremony and rightfully so. She was decked like the bride she was meant to be in a floral rani pink lehenga designed by Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla. The contrasting shades of gold, green and blue adorned her lehenga set and perhaps induced more joy other than what she already brings. She further added a polki jewellery set including a choker, maangtikka, earrings, and rani haar encrusted with diamonds and emeralds.
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Radhika Merchant's maximal route for her lehenga was gorgeously balanced with minimal makeup. She exuded a gorgeous rosy-hued charm with generous amounts of blush on her face and pink tones dusted on her eyes perfect for day bridal festivities. Lest we forget, her bright pink lip kisses away all the boring trends gone by. Considering her hands were to be preoccupied, she went with a bohemian fishtail braid styled with ornamental white flowers.
We love the maximalist route Radhika Merchant has taken for her wedding and we can't wait for D-day to see her in her ethereal best.