When Ananya Panday and Farah Khan Kunder come together it also means fun, whether it is in films or fashion. In a hilarious Instagram video, Ananya and Farah displayed their banter in a fiery fashion battle. In a crimson strappy gown, Ananya upheld the red supremacy and how. The body-hugging fit cascaded down to form sheer ruched patterns around the waist, elevating her glam game. The thigh-high slit proved to be the risqué factor. Sprinkling a bit of her boss-babe charm, Ananya layered the sensuous silhouette with a matching blazer, featuring lapel collars and padded shoulders. Chunky golden jewellery, minimal makeup, and a sleek updo worked wonders for her OOTD.
Coming to Farah Khan, the director did not disappoint in the game of red. All that she needed to put forward her mature grace was a red T-shirt and a pair of black flared trousers, for some contrast. Sharp collars and front pockets, including rolled-up sleeves. Adding an element of pizzazz was Farah's multi-tiered silver jewellery. She opted for a simple hairstyle, letting the short tresses frame her face.
For a Prime Video event, Ananya Panday played muse to a Rahul Mishra classic. Giving a chic spin to the feminine Barbirecore trend, the diva leaned on a halter-neck magenta-pink blouse and black-sequinned flared pants. She did not miss out on the dramatic elements, with the bustier having a ruffled neckline and a long flowy train, sweeping the floor like a veil. A crystal-beaded embellishment in the middle matched the sparkle of her glittery heart-shaped studs.
Much like Ananya, the Barbiecore fever did not miss the eyes of Farah Khan. On Manish Malhotra's Diwali bash last year, the director was “all Barbied up” in a pink-sequinned pantsuit. Chosen from the designer's closet, the loose-fitted top came with a distinct scalloped hemline and baggy sleeves. The glittery all-pink effect was seen in the flared pants too.
Ananya Panday and Farah Khan's fashion outings have left us asking for more.