Ananya Panday and Vijay Devarakonda are all set for the release of their latest movie Liger, which they have been promoting all over the country. We are as excited for the movie as we are about the duo's wardrobe choices for the promotions. Making a stellar style statement with each of their public appearances, they are definitely the Internet's most stylish pair currently. For the Indore promotions, Ananya wore a stunning chequered pantsuit in black and gray from Kanika Goyal label, which gave the right kind of boss lady vibes. What added a stylish edge to the outfit was the black corset top the actor wore with the blazer and the black high boots. Leaving her mane loose, Ananya wore dewy makeup with kohled eyes and pink lip tint. For accessories she picked a pair of silver hoop earrings which complemented her attire perfectly.
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For another promotional event, Ananya Panday chose a black strappy mini dress from studio Amelia. The outfit was a right balance of casual and chic. The strappy mini dress featured a skater flare from the waist and a sweetheart neckline with cutout detailing at the chest. The actor teamed with a pair of black sneakers and wore minimal dewy makeup with pink lip colour and kohled eyes. This outfit of Ananya's is the perfect LBD for the wardrobes.
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Ananya Panday is definitely here to brighten our gloomy days, especially when she opts for neon outfits. The actor was seen wearing a neon green coloured knit co-ord set. The outfit from the clothing brand Elleme included a quarter sleeve top which featured a white collar, which the actor teamed with a bodycon mini skirt in the same colour palette. Ananya paired the bright outfit with a pair of white pointed heels from Christian Louboutin which added the neutral touch to the all-glam outfit.
Aren't Ananya's choices envy-worthy?
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