Currently, fashion face-off season is in full swing, with Hollywood's Paris Hilton on one side and Bollywood's Ananya Panday on the other. Gen Z B-town actress and paparazzi favourite Ananya Panday was recently seen wearing a retro-inspired coordinated bell bottom and crop top set worth Rs 69,000 from a New York City-based brand, Area. Ananya Panday, styled by celebrity stylist Priyanka Kapadia, teamed the matching Barbiecore crop top and flared trousers with abstract floral patterns and large Swarovski embellishment on the chest and mid-riff with a pair of strap white stiletto heels, butterfly drop earrings, a diamond ring adorning her finger, and a rosy pink makeup look and salon styled, wavy brunette tresses.
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The ensemble, which is part of the label's spring-summer 2024 collection, was also worn by Hollywood socialite Paris Hilton in a FASHION Magazine Canada cover story.
The This Is Paris star strutted out in style wearing the dipped in pink co-ordinated set with Swarovski detailing and a floral design. She teamed the outfit with her blonde locks styled in a straight blow-out, left loose over her shoulders, a pair of large retro-style dark sunglasses, a nude pink makeup look, and a guitar held in her hands. We sure scored a double style blockbuster with Ananya Panday and Paris Hilton donning a Barbiecore, retro-themed Area and Swarovski encrusted high-fashion ensemble.
While we think both the looks scored high on the fashion radar, who do you think won the sartorial race?
CommentsAlso Read: Ananya Panday Makes Even A Basic Crop Top Look Uber Cool By The Pool