Ananya Panday is a born stunner. Whenever she steps foot on the red carpet, her sartorial sensibilities do all the talking. The actress who made her international runway debut at Paris Haute-Couture Spring/Summer 2024 Week, recently recalled the priceless moment. In her latest Instagram entry, Ananya revealed the idea behind designer Rahul Mishra's Superheroes collection, “which draws attention to the nuances of sharing life with species of insects and reptiles that inhabit the environment with us.” Dressed for a cause, the diva rocked an eccentric 3D dragonfly bustier, strapped on her torso with barely-there thin straps. Teaming it up with a high-waist black column skirt, the Kho Gaye Hum Kahan actress pulled off the insect outfit like an expert. Her dewy-glam makeup involved blushed cheeks, glossy peach lips, classic winged eyeliner, and wispy lashes. Tresses pulled back into a neatly secured updo sealed her off-route style statement.
At the Paris Fashion Week last month, Ananya Panday turned muse to Rahul Mishra's couture. She picked out a strapless black mini-dress featuring a sweetheart neckline and a form-fitting silhouette. But the real drama arrived when she strutted down the ramp with an enormous and circular butterfly-embellished sieve, adorned with multiple colourful butterflies. Minimal in the accessory department, Ananya put on just a pair of golden hoops. The diva's neat bun hairdo gave away her glammed-up makeover which consisted of muted smokey eyes with mascara-coated lashes, blush-tinted and contoured cheeks, shimmery eyeshadow, and a brown lip shade.
When we were convinced that we had seen it all, Ananya Panday wowed us again in a chic Cult Naked ensemble. Her OOTD comprised a strapless leather LBD (little black dress) that hugged her curves like a second skin. Silver beady embellishments running all over her attire dazzled like bright stars in the night sky. Elevating the oomph quotient were her black netted stockings. Silver studs and ear cuffs shined through her bun-styled hair serving pizzazz. Framing her face beautifully was the bold smokey eye magic, shimmery eyeshadow, and glossy lips. Black pump shoes sealed her oh-so-stylish avatar.
Ananya Panday is truly keeping up with her fashion maven status and this is proof.