Ananya Panday certainly knows how to make heads turn her way with her sartorial choices. Her collection is full of gorgeous outfits, be it casual streetwear or sparkling party numbers. Recently, Ananya shared some stunning photos of herself on Instagram in athleisure wear; a black sports bra and black tights with white printed motifs. With her casual pink shoes, she nailed the look. The actress wore thick defined brows, contoured cheeks, kohl-rimmed eyes, and glossy nude lips for makeup. She kept her wavy hair open. Take a look at her stunning appearance here.
(Also Read: Ananya Panday's Fresh Take For The Week Is Chic In A Green Co-Ord Set)
Be it a glamorous number, casual wear or a sporty look, Ananya Panday always steps out in style. A couple of weeks ago, she wore a basic white spaghetti crop top with camouflage print tights. When it comes to fashion, the diva surely knows how to keep it trendy and chic. Ananya pulled off the look with sneakers and a sling bag. She left her hair open in a carefree manner as she appreciated the beauty of nature around her.
Apart from athleisure wear, Ananya Pandey has even mastered the art of rocking monochrome outfits. She added some boss lady vibes when appeared in a brown bralette layered with a brown blazer. With that, she chose to wear matching pants. On the beauty front, Ananya stayed loyal to nude shade on her lips and a middle-parted sleek bun.
We love to romance the colour pink at times, and so does Ananya Panday. Take a a look at these photos, for example. Ananya garnered compliments for this stunning pink co-ord set that consisted of a strappy corset crop top and flared pants of a similar shade. She went for minimal makeup this time.
Ananya Panday also gave us some lessons on how to amp up an edgy look in jeans. We couldn't keep calm when we saw her in a stylish strapless white top paired with ripped jeans. Ananya completed the look with bright pink heels, that not only added a colour block to her appearance but also made it anything but mundane.
Ananya Pandey's collection has an outfit for every occasion. Don't you agree?
Comments(Also Read: Making Earthy Hues A Hit Is Ananya Panday In A Camou Athleisure Look)