Even after months, the Barbiecore trend is still painting the town pink. And the latest celebrity to have joined the pink-marathon is Ananya Panday. For her latest photoshoot, Ananya left us stunned with her feminine, boss-lady aura. The diva picked out a unique pink and brown fusion corset ensemble. Ananya layered the fitted bodice with a front-open, magenta blazer, adding a flush of colour to her pretty attire. She sparkled like a star in stone-encrusted earrings that came with a distinctive heart shape. With pink being her OOTD theme, Ananya's makeup choices were also at par with the colour mood board. To create a soft-glam effect, she dusted her flawless skin with some blush and highlighter.
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When Ananya goes ethnic, we cannot help but take notes. For the Ambani family's Ganesh Chaturthi celebration, the SOTY 2 star arrived with just the right amount of dazzle. From the shelves of designer Arpita Mehta, Ananya draped herself in a blingy, red-sequinned saree. The six-yard staple came with golden embroidered borders, the exquisite mirrorwork creating a touch of allure. Ananya accentuated her traditional look with a green Kundan choker necklace and white-emerald earrings.
Anaya's love for corsets needs no proof. For Dream Girl 2's promotional outing, the actress chose a sheer white Pietra dress from the British Luxury Womenswear Label, House Of CB. The deep neckline strappy number featured corset detailing with slight ruffles at the skirt hemline. Smokey eyes served to be the only contrast to her all-white, archaic ensemble.
Also Read: Ananya Panday In A Beige Tarun Tahiliani Lehenga Is A Stylish Glam Icon Worthy Of Every Award
During her Qatar visit, Ananya rocked street style fashion in a basic white tank top, teaming it up with a striped shirt and blue denim. Minimal makeup and a blue cap gave the finishing touches to her casual-comfy outfit.
Ananya Panday's wardrobe choices are simply on fleek.