Malaika Arora is currently in Australia for the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne and indeed, she is upping the fashion game. The actress has been sharing details of her trip on Instagram. In addition to getting a look into her day out in the city, we also got a glimpse of her attire for day 2 of Indian Film Festival Of Melbourne. She wore a classic Swarovski saree by Manish Malhotra. The drape featured a pewter tulle and Swarovski beads that were scattered all over the outfit. Malaika paired her saree with a matching beaded blouse and layered diamond necklaces. For makeup, she opted for dark brown eye shadow, contoured cheeks and brown lipstick. Malaika styled her hair in loose wavy curls to complete the look.
Also Read: Malaika Arora Transformed Stunning Street Style To Ethnic Fashion In Melbourne
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So far, Malaika Arora has been representing India at IIFM in traditional sarees. For the opening night of the event, she was seen in a pre-stitched lehengasaree from Jayanti Reddy. She paired it with a matching embellished blouse. The blouse's ruffled edges, deep neckline and oversized sleeves were matched by its exquisite fine threadwork and shimmering gold embroidery.
Last year, Malaika Arora wore a gold saree that she picked from Sonaakshi Raaj label. The blouse was lavishly embroidered and matched the saree with its liquid gold tassels. She kept the makeup and hair basic, letting the ensemble do all the talking. Malaika wore her hair loose in gentle curls and accessorised with an oversized pair of earrings and a watch.
Malaika Arora's ethnic style is equal parts chic and stylish