Giving us straight up modern princess vibes is young diva Shanaya Kapoor. Even before she has debuted into Bollywood, she has our hearts on fire with her diverse fashion choices. From her ultra-glam red-carpet style to lowkey street fashion, we have our eyes set on her to get the best inspiration. The stunner yet again is making a head-turning statement when she shared a series of amazing pictures on her social media which she captioned as, "as you can tell I love this dress". And we cannot agree more! In a beautiful blush pink frill midi dress, Shanaya looks dreamy as ever. The polka dot number from Gauri and Nainika featured a strapless style with corset detailing and layered frill style which added a dramatic edge to the look.
Slaying the shades of blue right is actress Shanaya Kapoor who looks stunning as ever in a cutout mini dress. The diva was seen donning a stunning cutout blue mini dress paired with an aqua blue oversized blazer to add an extra edge to the look. Her silver metallic heels were the perfect addition to the outfit. She kept it minimal with subtle glam and half tied tresses.
Be it a bright and peppy colour or a subtle one, Shanaya Kapoor surely knows how to slay it all. In a stunning white co-ord set, the fashionista is making a strong case for monochrome. Her fit featured a stunning halter neck top paired with a chic mini skirt. She teamed the look with shiny silver open toe heels and a statement shoulder bag.
In yet another mini number, Shanaya Kapoor got her bling game on. The stunner wore a stylish silver mini dress adorned with sequins all over as she made a head turning statement. Her hoop earrings and rings were the best accessories that suited the glamorous look.