Bhumi Pednekar seems to be on a style-serving spree. Lately, her sartorial sensibilities have been making waves in the fashion circuit thanks to her recent promotional outing for her upcoming film Thank You For Coming. Bhumi opted for a classic all-black ensemble but made sure to give a fresh and edgy spin to the outfit. The actress chose to be the muse of designer duo Shivan and Narresh as she slipped into a graphic bralette. The gold-chained straps supported the plunging neckline of the beaded bustier. Bhumi styled the bralette with high-waist, see-through crotchet pants. The sleek, black belt made the attire all the more classy; all from designer duo Shivan and Narresh's latest collection. Bhumi's soft-glam makeup consisted of plum and glossy lips, fluttery eyelashes, and subtle smokey eyes. A pair of golden hoop earrings and a black choker necklace sealed Bhumi's pop-girl avatar. And those black boots proved to be a complete game-changer. Her soft curls were left open.
Before this, Bhumi Pednekar channelled her inner princess in a Gauri and Nainika ensemble, from the designers' Fall Winter 2023 collection. Bhumi looked stunning in a bright orange dress with dramatic, bow-shaped, off-shoulder sleeves. Clinched at the waist, the pleated skirt exuded a dreamy and free-flowy vibe, reminiscent of old times. Pink-studded earrings and diamond rings were the only accessories that Bhumi chose for herself. She paid special attention to her glamorous makeup, comprising winged eyeliner, shimmery-golden eyeshadow, and nude lips.
With everyone joining the Barbiecore trend, why should Bhumi Pednekar be left behind? But, she ditched the trendy pink and welcomed a more offbeat white to her Barbie fashion avatar. From the labels of ready-to-wear luxury clothing brand Nikhil Kolhe, Bhumi picked out a sheer white, cross-halter-neck, pleated corset dress. If this is what modern-day fairytales are made of then we'd like one of these in our boot as well.
Also Read: Bhumi Pednekar Is As Fine As "Desi Wine" In A Rose Gold And Beige Tarun Tahiliani Lehenga
Bhumi Pednekar's style game is totally off the charts before the release of her film Thank You For Coming which launches on October 6th, this year.
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