Manushi Chhillar is one Bollywood celebrity who is never short on style. The pageant winner may still be waiting on her Bollywood debut that hasn't ever stopped her from raking up the sartorial points. The fascinating thing is, she doesn't even require eye-catching shades or pop hues to make that happen. Her latest post on Instagram is proof. While talking about shooting her shot, she showcased her minimally elegant style in a crisp white shirt cuffed until the arms. A bare makeup look was part of her ensemble while gold toned rings and a bracelet added a metallic glint to the chic look.
Want to ace the style game like Manushi Chhillar did? Pick up a white shirt and pair it with gold accessories.
Whether she's looking cool in white or striking in black, it's obvious that lack of colour has no effect on her fashion quotient. Previously, she struck a pose in a black off-shoulder top with her long locks down her side. While you can buy a black top like Manushi's, it'll take a while to practice her smize.
(Also Read: Manushi Chhillar's Fashion Mantra Is "Retro At Heart": Here's Proof)
Sunny days are always better when Manushi is soaking them in. Practically sunbathing, she enjoyed the sunshine wearing a pair of dark blue denims with a frilly white crop top, shimmery eye makeup and her hair worn in curls.
Here's looking forward to sun kissed days. ☀️
ADVERTISEMENTA post shared by Manushi Chhillar (@manushi_chhillar) on
Ever thought classic shirts and jeans could look extraordinary? Only when Manushi Chhillar is wearing them. On yet another sunny day, she wears her cuffed white shirt with a fitted pair of jeans and layered necklace around her neck.
She managed to make a statement in an all-black look with a cap, sports bra, jacket, tracks and sneakers in ebony. Talk about athleisure style done right.
I like caps and I can not lie!! /// #ThreeStripes #TB
A post shared by Manushi Chhillar (@manushi_chhillar) on
(Also Read: Manushi Chhillar Talks Fitness And What She Does To Stay Active)
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