Manushi Chhillar made her Bollywood debut recently as she appeared alongside Akshay Kumar in Samrat Prithviraj. The actor was seen donning exquisite ethnic outfits around the city for the promotions of the movie. The Bollywood star's latest Instagram post reveals that Manushi is currently enjoying a much-deserved holiday in the UK, and you can trust this city girl to keep it stylish even when in the countryside. The actor wore a crop top in sunshine yellow and teamed it with a pair of basic blue denims. What added flair to her casual look were the black boots with a matching shrug, complete with a chunky gold choker. For makeup, Manushi kept it minimal by wearing nude makeup with brown lip colour and soft kohl.
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Manushi Chhillar gives us major inspiration on how to dress on holidays and we are totally in awe of her looks. While having a quality vacation by herself, the actor wore a neutral playsuit. The full-sleeved outfit had rolled up sleeves and featured of a waist belt. Adding a little colour to the monotone neutral look, Manushi wore a tangerine bralette. For accessories, the actor opted for golden hoop earrings and a layered gold necklace. Manushi wore nude makeup with ample mascara, rosy cheek tint and pink lip colour.
Also Read: Manushi Chhillar Makes A Bright And Sparkling Start To The Week
On her holiday in Goa, Manushi Chhillar opted for a colour splash co-ord set which matched the easy mood of the vacay. The actor wore a strappy crop top featuring a corset bust line with sweetheart neckline and teamed it with a pair of shorts. The co-ord set had abstract prints in shades of blue, yellow, green, red, orange, white with funky designs, giving us major tropical vibes. The shorts had pocket detailing. Manushi wore a golden statement necklace and a ring, for accessorising the look. The actor opted for nude shade on the lips and kept it simple.
Manushi's casual wardrobe is simply extraordinary.
CommentsAlso Read: Manushi Chhillar's Retro Vibes Are Stylishly True In White And Blue