Siddhant Chaturvedi and actress Sharvari Wagh are setting the Internet on fire with their unique fashion statements. The two will soon be seen in Bunty Aur Babli 2 along with Saif Ali Khan and Rani Mukherji. The actor dropped a few pictures on Instagram featuring himself and Sharvari. The pictures are from a photoshoot. Siddhant picked a cream toned pantsuit and teamed it with a pair of white sneakers. Sharvari, on the other hand, rocked the bikini look. The strapless black bikini top comes with a sweetheart neckline. The actress opted for dewy makeup and kohl-rimmed eyes. And, she picked some sleek gold chains to round it up.
Prior to this, the duo made traffic stop and stare. Here, Sharvani Wagh went with a co-ord floral set. It shows green tropical prints all over. For accessories, she decided to go with golden hoop earrings and a chain. Nude shade on her lips and Sharvani was ready to roll. Now, let us talk about Siddhant Chaturvedi gave us major uber cool vibes. Nothing much, just a black oversized tank top and joggers were enough to leave our hearts racing.
(Also Read: Rani Mukerji As Babli Shows Up In Her Zaniest And Brightest Fashion Choices)
Another ravishing appearance by Siddhant Chaturvedi and Sharvari Wagh. We must say that Siddhant's fashion game is top-notch. Only he can make the all-white satin suit look so cool. Agree? How can we forget the ever-stunning Sharvari. This glittery sequined dress is just made for her. To jazz up the appearance, the actress wore a bright red lip colour and left her hair open.
Siddhant Chaturvedi looks smart no matter what colour he chooses for himself. Have you ever heard of a mind green and blood red combination? No? Look at Siddhant then. The actor carried the unusual combo like a pro.
Sharvari Wagh looked like a vision in this metallic cut-out swimsuit. A pair of hoop earrings and messy hair are enough to set our screens on fire.
We are excited to see what the duo will choose to wear next. Aren't you excited too?
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