Two of Bollywood's megastars - Deepika Padukone and Kangana Ranaut - have already taken the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival this year. While Deepika Padukone is in Cannes as a brand ambassador for L'oreal, Kangana Ranaut attended the festival as an ambassador for Grey Goose. The two divas attended press events and walked the red carpet over the last two days, and what we got to see from both of them in terms of their red carpet style, was poles apart.
Deepika Padukone has always had a classic and traditional sense of style. It's rare that we get to see her veer away from garments that are quintessentially elegant yet safe. Kangana on the other hand doesn't shy away from making bold choices in every aspect of her life, and fashion is most definitely one of those aspects.
Kangana and Deepika's red carpet styles at Cannes were definitely close to the vibe that each of them give off in general; but even then, both these ladies took us by surprise with their high fashion and high impact choices.
On her first day at Cannes, Deepika channeled an angelic vibe in a sleeveless figure hugging gown from Zuhair Murad that featured a plunging neckline and was fully beaded in white shimmering stones. She had a matching cape to go with the beautiful sheer nude and white gown. Deepika looked like a classic beauty and while her ensemble was nothing bright and shiny, it was far from boring.
For her first appearance on the Cannes red carpet, Kangana also chose a gown from Zuhair Murad. Kangana's was a sheer beaded gown in shades of grey with a deep back and sides. Now this dress might have been understated for Kangana's standards, but she did try and do something different with her hair. Always experimenting, this one. We love it.
For their second day at Cannes, both these ladies seem to have pulled out their wild cards. There was nothing subtle or understated about either of their outfits on this day, believe us.
Deepika stepped onto the red carpet for her second appearance in a ruffled, fuchsia pink gown from Ashi Studio. She paired it with emerald drop earrings from Lorraine Schwartz and matching stilettos from Aquazzura. Right here is where Deepika could have had her *mic drop* moment.
Can we take a moment to just admire that gown and also how much fun Deepika is having? You go, girl.
Coming to Kangana. This queen left no stones unturned in making sure she stands out on the red carpet. While most female celebrities walking the red carpet choose to pull out their fancy gowns for such occasions, Kangana, in true Kangana fashion, chose to wear a metallic beaded jumpsuit for the event. Who else would have even dreamed of pulling off something like this at the Cannes Film Festival? Definitely not Deepika.
And that hair. Let's take a moment.
Deepika and Kangana have very distinct styles, but somehow, they've both made it work - one in true high fashion and another by making sure she picks outfits that will leave a high impact. We'll let you guess which is which.