After Aishwarya Rai and Mrunal Thakur made their mark at the Cannes Film Festival, it's now Diana Penty's turn to conquer. The Bollywood actress showcased her very first outfit from Cannes 2023 this afternoon and boy, was it sparkly. Diana donned a heavily embellished gold co-ord set from designer duo Falguni and Shane Peacock. It comprised of a high neck cap sleeve cropped blouse which showcased her toned torso. Behind, the blouse had a scooped cutout detail. Along with it was a mermaid-style ankle-length skirt. Both of the same gold gleaming fabric, the skirt and cropped blouse were bejeweled with stones over its length. Diana kept jewellery to a minimum with earrings and rings along. Her hair was centre-parted and poker straight, pushed to the back. For makeup, her skin was radiant, eyes bronzed and lips glossy.
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To mark her arrival at Cannes, Diana had posted her outfit which embraced the breezy South of France vibes. She picked a long sleeve white blouse covered with ruffles and paired it with blue straight-fitted jeans, black pointed boots and matching sunglasses. We can only wait for what's to come.
(Also Read: Cannes 2023: Esha Gupta's Slit Style Doesn't Stop For Anyone When She Fashionably Takes Over The French Riviera)