The year has been nothing but 'all things blissful' for Stranger Things actor Millie Bobby Brown. She announced her engagement to Jake Bongiovi in April and now, the couple have celebrated their engagement this past weekend. The couple did not miss the chance to give us some lowkey chic to-be-wedded fashion goals as they complemented each other. Bridal vibes went one level up as Millie went all out in the fashion department with her incredible white embellished co-ord set that featured a cropped scoop-neck top and a button-down midi skirt. Jake complemented her style in a sea-green suit paired with a beautiful light blue shirt.
As blissful as it could be, the venue was at a romantic setting which had a heart-shaped structure adorned with white balloons in the backdrop. We are mesmerised. Earlier, she announced the news on Instagram as she borrowed the caption from Taylor Swift's lyrics, saying, "I've loved you three summers now, honey, I want 'em all." Ever since then, the fans have been in awe of the couple. Love is in the air and we can feel it.