Pantsuits have been a raging trend in Bollywood recently. From movie promotions to red-carpet events, Bollywood celebrities have embraced the ultra-chic pantsuit trend with open arms. Chitrangda Singh is yet another star who carries the boss-babe vibe in a glamorous orange pantsuit. Brightening our gloomy day, the diva picked a zesty colour palette and wore a full-sleeved blazer with a pair of wide-leg pants from the clothing brand Missguided. She wore an all-black lace bodice under the blazer to break the monochrome. She picked a pair of golden oversized hoop earrings and statement rings for accessories. Her glammed-up makeup included neatly-defined eyeliner, shimmery eyelids, well-contoured cheeks, and brown lip colour.
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Chitrangda Singh's love for pantsuits is undeniable and we seem to follow a pattern with her styling it too. She recently opted for a chic pastel pantsuit and made a stellar style statement. The full-sleeved blazer had floral embellishments at the border, adding a feminine touch to the look. Pairing it with wide-leg pants with a similar floral border in the same colour palette, Chitrangda added a black tank top under the blazer. A pair of nude heels and chunky gold jewellery were the perfect add-ons to the diva's look. She went with kohl-laden eyes, ample mascara, shimmery eyelids and pink lip tint for makeup.
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Chitgranda Singh'a all-black pantsuit from Modern Love promotions has been the absolute favourite. A three-quarter-sleeved oversized blazer, ankle-length flared pants and a bralette all in black was what formed Chitrangda's stylish outfit from clothing brand Flluame. She kept her accessories minimal as she opted for a black waist belt and chunky earrings. Leaving her lustrous tresses loose, her signature makeup included kohl-laden eyes, well-contoured cheeks and matte lips.
Do you need any more proof of Chitrangda Singh's love for pantsuits?
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