Chitrangda Singh has mesmerised her fans ever since her debut in Bollywood. Be it her effortless performances or her exquisite wardrobe choices, we fall in love with the diva, a little harder each time. Recently, Chitrangda served some “vintage notes” in a Bhawna Rao gown and looked every bit stunning. The off-shoulder deep black gown, featuring heavy embellishments and sequins, came with a body-defining silhouette, which complemented her toned body. A pair of black heels nailed the monochrome look with utmost perfection, while the sleek diamond necklace looked elegant. Her tresses were styled in voluminous curls. For the glam, Chitrangda opted for dusky and glamorous tones including smokey eyes, bronzer on cheeks, and glossy brown lips.
Also Read: Chitrangda Singh's Fluttery Feather Gown Is A Spring Dream Made Red Carpet Ready
Days ago, Chitrangda Singh set the temperature soaring with her pastel feather gown, from clothing brand Gretel Z. It featured a deep plunging neckline, paired with a beautiful layered necklace. The sheer feathery fall above a mini dress brought all the necessary drama to the ensemble.
Nobody understands the red carpet memo like Chitrangda Singh. We have proof. Do you remember her embellished pastel green gown? A plunging neckline with intricate beadwork and embroidery throughout with that gorgeous mermaid fit made the ensemble a memorable fashion outing. Chitrangda's glam and loose tresses looked stunning.
Here, Chitrangda looked phenomenal in her peppy pink outfit from the designer label Itsom. The strappy number had a sassy bodycon fit which accentuated Chitrangda's physique. It even showcased fringe details and mirror embellishment throughout.
Also Read: 'Check' Out Chitrangda Singh Make Power Moves In A Blush Pink Skirt Set
Chitrangda made heads turn in this classic black and white gown. Her outfit featured all the sassy elements: a unique plunging v-neckline, as well as a thigh-high slit on the side. Dangler earrings, a bracelet, rings and textbook-perfect glam worked as finishing touches.
Chitrangda Singh has the sassiest collection of gowns, that's for sure. The actress was recently seen in Gaslight, co-starring Sara Ali Khan and Vikrant Massey. The OTT project as well as Chitrangda's portrayal of Rukmani earned praise from audiences and critics alike.
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