Chitrangda Singh has also made a name for herself in the fashion sector. It won't be an exaggeration to say the actress can nail — traditional and trendy silhouettes — like a total pro. Recently, Chitrangda took the Internet by storm with her latest fashion outing in a navy blue dress. The actress can be seen wearing an off-shoulder navy blue gown by Shantanu & Nikhil. The outfit featured a plunging neckline, knee-high slit and sheer corset. The attire was adorned with intricate silver detailing and matching tassels at the bottom of the skirt. For the makeup, Chitrangda opted for glitter eyeshadow, smoky eyes and sparkly lips. The actress sculpted her cheekbones by using contour, bronzer and highlighter. She completed her look with a pair of black heels and middle-parted wavy hair.
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Chitrangda Singh is no stranger to glam looks and corset outfits. The actress previously wore a red corset gown from the designer label Antithesis. She opted for a deep crimson dress featuring a corset bust and a side slit. To add even more glitz, Chitrangda chose a striking multi-layered diamond necklace, brown lipstick, sparkle on the lids, winged eyeliner, and bronze makeup.
For another photoshoot, Chitrangda took a simpler route and paired her corset top with white pants. Her cutaway pants and patterned top only serve to highlight how out of the ordinary even her basics are. The top had a sweetheart neckline and was embroidered in various colours over a black background to make it stand out. The actress chose kohl-rimmed eyes, accentuated cheeks, and a brownish lip colour while leaving her voluminous locks free to complete the look.
Chitrangda Singh's glam side is always chic.
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