Sisters Shilpa Shetty and Shamita Shetty have a distinctive sense of style. However, their fashion force simply doubles as the two actresses come together. Fans witnessed something similar as the diva decided to share a hilarious reel on her social media account. The video also featured Shilpa's Garv: Pride and Honour co-star Akanksha Malhotra Aggarwal. But what caught our attention was the trio's twinning game in the “sister squad” T-shirts. Shilpa tucked her round-neck T-shirt into ripped-flare blue jeans. The actress sealed the look by pairing it with white sports shoes and black sunglasses. Shilpa left her silky tresses loosened. Shamita picked an oversized white T-shirt and styled it with ankle-length slim-fit distressed jeans. Shamita left her side-parted bob hair open and opted for white loafers. Akanksha, on the other hand looked smart in the matching style as she styled her look with low-waist flare denim jeans and white sneakers. She also picked a tinted sunglasses and left her hair open.
Before this, we spotted the divas in their twinning candy cane pyjamas during their girls' sleepover. They picked navy blue pyjama sets, highlighting the red and white candy cane embroidery over their pockets. With wavy collars, the pyjama sets were especially monogrammed for the divas. Shilpa Shetty, who left her tresses open and carried a no-makeup make-up look, has “SSK” embroidered on the pocket, symbolising Shilpa Shetty Kundra. Shamita Shetty, with simple “SS” embroidery, styled her look by tying her tresses into a messy bun. She added a more Christmasy vibe to it with her gleaming red and green bow band. Shamita's clean girl aesthetics looked amazing with her overall style. Akanksha Malhotra Aggarwal also went with minimal glam and left her tresses open.
Earlier during one of their Goa vacations, Shilpa Shetty and Shamita Shetty were seen twinning in their bright pink loungewear. The printed sets featured an oversized shirt and sleek harem pants with massive pockets. Shilpa tied her shirt up, creating a crop top style, while Shamita simply tucked it into her pyjama. Shamita once again left her tresses open and opted for minimal rosy glam. Shilpa looked cute with her low ponytail with a matching pink band.
We are definitely taking notes from Shilpa Shetty and Shamita Shetty for twinning style