Ever since her wedding to Ranbir Kapoor last week, no one has stopped talking about Alia Bhatt and her incredible bridal style. Post their intimate and low-key wedding, it seems like the Bollywood actress is back at it in her summer ethnic best. Proving beautifully that life moves on even when you're a celebrity bride, Alia was spotted at the airport this morning wearing a refreshing ethnic look. Like her wedding look, this outing too was understated and muted.
Alia wore a pastel pink salwar kameez suit adorned with floral prints. Pink solid coloured palazzo pants were worn with this outfit and featured white lace trimmed borders. Alia completed the look with a sheer dupatta that was draped over her shoulders. The newlywed had a smile on her face and who wouldn't, with a wonderful wedding like that behind her. Alia wore the outfit with silver mule pumps on her feet but that wasn't all that it took to complete it. She wouldn't be a stylish jet-setter without her designer bag, now would she! In her hand, we spotted the Christian Dior D-Jungle Pop book tote. It featured bright shocks of pink and blue and cost approximately Rs 2,70,000. Only the best for this bride, that's for certain!
(Also Read: Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor's Mehendi Look Is Out And We Love Their Coral Outfits)
It's a breath of fresh air to see Alia resume daily life days after her wedding in a regular ethnic look, which is a nice remindee that life really does go on, even after you've just gotten married and both of you are Bollywood stars.
(Also Read: Alia Bhatt Glows Effortlessly With Minimal Makeup And Oodles Of Love For Her Wedding To Ranbir Kapoor)