Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are one of Bollywood's power couples. They often step out in colour-coordinated outfits and stop the fashion traffic with their fabulous style statements. Recently, they made a public appearance and their style factor was yet again the talk of the town. Deepika was seen in a pristine white t-shirt paired with stylish cargo pants. She enhanced her look with olive green military boots. With subtle makeup, the actress tied her hair in a low ponytail. Ranveer, on the other hand, wore a brown leather jacket and black distressed jeans with a high-neck white t-shirt. He matched his outfit with a pair of black pointed shoes. Ranveer's cowboy hat and sunglasses added more drama to his overall appearance.
From glamorous to casual looks, we have seen Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh rock every style with oomph. Going by their interest in twinning when they are together, they once gave athleisure fashion a whole different meaning, when they grooved on their version of a viral meme. With track pants and uber-cool glasses, they looked great.
Last year, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh made our Diwali brighter with their vibrant ethnic ensembles. The actress dazzled in a gorgeous red brocade saree perfect for the occasion, while Ranveer slipped in a bright front-buttoned orange kurta set. Their ethnic-style game was too good to miss.
We just can't get enough of Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh's photos together even when they are dressed in casuals. Look at how Deepika styled her casual fashion game in a cream T-shirt while Ranveer looked good in a blue t-shirt.
Once, Ranveer Singh posted a photo with Deepika Padukone while embracing the winter. They wore black sweaters and aced winter fashion like a pro. Deepika's smoky eye makeup and Ranveer's stunning Gucci cap complemented the look.
Also Read: Ranveer Singh And Deepika Padukone's Cool Couple Style Gets Better With Every Athleisure Look
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh often end up lending some stunning fashion ideas for their fans. Take this post for example. Ranveer looked smart in a kurta with a pale pink bandhgala jacket while Deepika looked beautiful in a printed floral suit set. Their loved-up picture was certain to send fans into a tizzy.
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have some of the best outfits to inspire everyone out there. Don't you think so?
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