For Bollywood celebrities heading to a wedding function or travelling at the airport together, twinning is a way of life. After all, how else can they showcase their love other than through matching couple style? But Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are here to change things. The duo attended Salman Khan's Eid party last night and wore diametrically opposed outfits for the night. Deepika Padukone took the ethnic route and picked out a black velvet salwar kameez suit. The kurta featured a slouchy silhouette with quarter sleeves and had elaborate white embroidery over the yoke. It was paired with dhoti-style pants. Deepika completed the outfit with an elegant pair of black pumps and glimmering dangler earrings. She pulled her hair back into a bun and opted for dark eye makeup.
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Now Ranveer Singh on the hand took a completely different approach for the night. While his wife stuck to muted tones of black and white, he embraced the entire rainbow. He picked a multicoloured short sleeve collared shirt worn open in front along with a pair of blue trousers. For accessories, he added even more colour with pink sneakers and a matching hat with tinted sunglasses and a necklace.
While Ranveer chose the funky casual route, Deepika was elegant in her ethnic wear. Sure, they do look like they are heading to completely different events but it's quite refreshing to see them embrace their personal style even when they are heading to a function by each other's side.
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