Deepika Padukone has been a favourite of the fashion police. The actress usually plays it safe with her style choices but is now giving us a remarkable fashion moment. Recently, Deepika looked absolutely chic at the Business of Fashion (BoF) Gala in Paris. She picked a golden crop top to showcase her abs and paired it with high-waist black cargo pants. Deepika accentuated the look with a printed jacket. The jacket was lined with fur and also featured chunky zippers around the sleeves. FYI: Deepika Padukone is a house ambassador of Louis Vuitton so naturally the look was entirely LV. She picked a pair of black block heels to go with the outfit. The actress ditched the accessories and carried only a cute bag. For makeup, Deepika wore winged eyeliner, bronzed cheeks, and a nude lip. Her hair tied in a sleek bun looked perfect for that Queen vibe. Fans, including us, were bowled over by the Bollywood beauty.
Also Read: Deepika Padukone's Cool Casual Airport Look Makes Travel Look Oh-So-Chic
Deepika Padukone made our hearts skip a beat when she walked the ramp to celebrate 10 years of fashion designer Manish Malhotra's collection Mijwan recently. She slipped into a blush pink lehenga which was heavily embellished from top-to-bottom. The blouse featured a sweetheart neckline and power shoulders with a dupatta canopying over it. Her chic short hair and dramatic smokey eye makeup gave a modern touch to the ethnic wear. Deepika Padukone was truly a sight to behold.
Salwar suits take their fair share of space in Deepika Padukone's wardrobe. Here, the actress wore a pink kurti which had white polka dots all over. The long sleeves number featured a round neckline and intricate golden embroidery. She teamed it with a beige flared pant-style salwar and matching pink dupatta with embellishment and a golden patti border. A pair of dangler earrings accessorised her look. She tied her mane in a messy bun and the makeup was perfect as ever.
Also Read: The Time Deepika Padukone And Ranveer Singh Suited Up In Their Own Stylishly Unique Ways
In the ethnic domain, Deepika Padukone puts her best 'saree'-torial foot forward. At the Cannes Film Festival held earlier this year, the actress raised the fashion bar. Deepika dazzled in a beautiful white statement saree which came with ruffled detailing. What stole the show was a statement pearl necklace and stud earrings. Makeup? Check. Hairdo? Check.
Here is another fabulous OOTD served by the actress. Deepika Padukone slipped into a black and gold Louis Vuitton outfit, with extended sleeves having fringe.
From airport sightings to red carpets, Deepika Padukone's fashionable outings have always bowled us over.
CommentsAlso Read: Deepika Padukone's Black Shimmery Saree With Her Infinity Blouse Makes The World Go Round